St James' Church, Woolton
We are committed to making our faith known by word and action and in this modern world that means using modern technology to reach as many people as possible. We now have a church Facebook page, St James Church Woolton: can we encourage those of you that use this social media site to 'like' and then invite others to the page. Please share events that are happening at St James with others. If you have any events happening either the one offs or the regulars, then let us know and they can be mentioned on the page.
We believe that spiritual and secular life in any community should be more closely linked now than ever before and last year St James' underwent a major program of repair and modernisation so that we can take part in witness and as part of Woolton's 21st century village life. After successful completion of the refurbishment we can now operate within the community as:
- a comfortable place where village business people can take lunch and enjoy a time of quiet reflection
- a child-friendly place where pre-school and school age children can hold special events when their usual venues have limited capacity
- an inspiring spiritual space for our uniformed organisations to carry out appropriate parts of their programmes
- a flexible space for initiatives in our Mission Priorities (e.g. Messy Church and Café Church).
St. James' Woolton is part of the Mersey Synod of the URC and the Liverpool District of the Methodist Church. We are also proud to be a Fair Trade Church, which means that wherever possible the products we use for catering are Fair Trade products.
If you are planning a visit or a move to Woolton, Liverpool or the surrounding area we would be delighted to meet you and welcome you to worship with us at St. James' Methodist and United Reformed Church.
Church Road South Woolton Liverpool L25 7RJ United Kingdom |