A Prayer following the recent unrest
God of love,
We pray for your Spirit of peace to move in our communities, that those who are targets of hate might be safe and that people of good will might work together in love and respect. We pray for your Spirit of healing, that those who grieve, might be comforted and those who are injured might be made well. We pray for your Spirit of hope, that those who despair might see a way ahead and those who live in fear might find sanctuary and freedom. Soften the hearts of those motivated by hate and help us all to love our neighbours as those made in your image. In Christ’s name. Amen |
A Prayer for Israel-Palestine
A prayer from the President and Vice-President of Conference
God of peace and compassion, We pray for all impacted by the escalation in conflict in Israel-Palestine For all who are mourning For all who are fearful, today, and for what may lie ahead For all traumatised and re-traumatised by what they have experienced. Enable us to stand in solidarity with people of peace May your Spirit bring peace and healing to your troubled world Amen |
Methodist Liaison Office Weekly Update and Prayer Meeting
Join Methodists from around the world to pray together for Justice and Peace in the Holy Land. Every Wednesday from 6pm (UK time) for 40 minutes. Each week there will be updates and theological reflections from local voices and MLO staff members followed by the opportunity to pray together. To join please email here and you will be sent joining instructions.
Join Methodists from around the world to pray together for Justice and Peace in the Holy Land. Every Wednesday from 6pm (UK time) for 40 minutes. Each week there will be updates and theological reflections from local voices and MLO staff members followed by the opportunity to pray together. To join please email here and you will be sent joining instructions.
Gaza Appeals: Donate
Christian Aid has launched an appeal to support people living in Gaza.
Support the Christian Aid Middle East Crisis Appeal here.
Support the Christian Aid Middle East Crisis Appeal here.
The Methodist Church in Britain has launched an appeal to support the emergency work being carried out in Gaza by the Methodist Liaison Office’s partners.
Donation is through the Methodist Church World Mission Fund, via JustGiving - please add 'GAZA APPEAL' at the end of the online form where you can leave a message. Please donate here |
A Prayer on the second anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine
Lord God of power,
You alone work miracles, so be kind to all and hear us. Help us God, our Saviour, and deliver the people of Ukraine from persecution. Come to our aid and destroy the intentions and unrighteous boldness of those who go to war against our people. Calm those who oppose your commandments. Grant us all peace, salvation and joy in our hearts. For you are protection and salvation for those who trust in you. We give you glory, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever. Amen written by a Ukrainian family who are being hosted by the Black Country Methodist Circuit. |
A Prayer for Refugees
God creator of all,
For people who are displaced,
may they find a safe refuge.
For people who have lost control of their lives,
may they know a sure foundation.
For people who live in fear,
may they be given a strong fortress.
For people who are disillusioned,
may they have hope in a future.
Loving father in times of crisis, sorrow and uncertainty
we ask that you draw near.
For people who are displaced,
may they find a safe refuge.
For people who have lost control of their lives,
may they know a sure foundation.
For people who live in fear,
may they be given a strong fortress.
For people who are disillusioned,
may they have hope in a future.
Loving father in times of crisis, sorrow and uncertainty
we ask that you draw near.